How Breast Augmentation Can Improve Your Confidence This Spring

As warmer weather approaches, you’re likely looking forward to spending time on the water. However, looking forward to wearing new bathing suits and warm-weather outfits can be challenging if your confidence is low. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries we perform at Modern Surgical Arts of Denver, and it can help you love your look. Here’s what to know about this procedure and how our team, led by Dr. Kamran Dastoury, can help you achieve a new level of confidence this spring.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, or breast implant surgery, enhances the size, shape, and projection of the breasts. It uses specialized silicone implants and a carefully placed incision to produce results that are indistinguishable from natural breasts. This procedure is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery each year and is widely known for its ability to create stunning, feminine results that balance your figure and boost your confidence.

The Benefits of Breast Augmentation

There are many benefits to this procedure. They include:

  • Long-Lasting Results: Breast implants are safe, durable medical devices that can last for many years. With a single procedure, you can enjoy your results for the rest of your life.
  • Customizable: Breast augmentation is incredibly customizable and can be tailored to your preferences for implant type, incision pattern, implant placement, and much more.
  • Easily Combinable: Breast augmentation can easily be combined with breast lift or liposuction to enhance results.
  • More Balanced Silhouette: By enhancing the breasts, you can enjoy a more balanced, feminine figure.
  • More Wardrobe Choices: Larger, fuller breasts can help you feel more confident in your favorite outfits and explore new ones.

What is Breast Augmentation Recovery Like?

We offer a holistic approach to recovery with all of our procedures. Some of the treatments include lymph drainage massages, enhanced bioavailability vitamin recovery pack, and scar therapy. Breast augmentation recovery is straightforward. Pain and discomfort can be expected, especially within the first few days, but Dr. Dastoury will prescribe medications to help you manage it. After the first week, most patients are off of their pain medications and feeling back to normal. After the second week, patients are returning to their routines and driving again. At 3 weeks you can expect to return to 50% of your normal daily activities. Lastly, at 6 weeks you will have no restrictions on activities or exercise. You can expect swelling and bruising to last a few weeks, during which you’ll be instructed to rest and avoid intensive activities. Most breast augmentation patients return to work within two to three weeks, depending on their career. Most importantly, you’ll be instructed to wear a supportive surgical bra that relieves pressure from the incisions and supports your new implants. Wear this as much as possible – Dr. Dastoury will provide instructions on when to begin going without it.

When Will I See the Results?

You’ll be able to see results immediately, but it can take 6-8 weeks to “settle” into their proper position.  Final aesthetic results can take up to 6-12 months.  However, your implants can take six months or longer to “settle” into their final appearance as your body adjusts.

Breast Augmentation in Denver at Modern Surgical Arts

At Modern Surgical Arts of Denver, you can begin your spring transformation with breast augmentation. To meet with our team and learn more about your options, contact our Highlands Ranch, CO office today by calling or filling out our online form.