Recovery Tips After Breast Augmentation: What to Expect

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. A breast enlargement surgery provides volume and fullness in the breasts, either with implants or with a fat transfer, creating improved feminine contours. If you’re wondering, “What is breast augmentation?” knowing what you could expect from surgery and recovery can help give you peace of mind. During your consultation at Modern Surgical Arts of Denver in Denver, CO, we can answer all of your questions and create a personalized surgical plan. 

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Some women are born with naturally small breasts, while others lose volume in the breasts over time, either due to age, pregnancy, or weight fluctuations. Breast augmentation can help provide or restore volume. 

Breast augmentation surgery is an aesthetic procedure aimed at enlarging the breasts as well as improving shape and symmetry. Performing a breast lift and augmentation at the same time can offer even more noticeable breast enlargement and shaping. 

Types of Breast Augmentation Procedures

One of the most important decisions to make when you’re considering breast augmentation is which type of procedure is best for you. During your consultation, we can discuss your desired outcomes and examine your body to provide recommendations based on your needs. The following are the two breast enlargement procedures you can choose from. 

Breast Augmentation With Implants

Breast augmentation with implants is the most common type of procedure for enlarging breasts. Size is not the only consideration in breast augmentation procedures. How far off your chest the implants project is another important factor. You can choose from low, moderate, moderate-plus, high, and ultra-high projection, depending on your body type and desired look. 

The type of implant is important as well. You can choose between saline implants and silicone implants. Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water, while silicone implants are full of silicone gel. While both are good options, the choice depends on preference and feel.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

A fat transfer breast augmentation, also called autologous breast augmentation, is achieved using your own fat. During this procedure, fat is harvested from other parts of your body, including the abdomen, thighs, and hips, and prepared for reinjection. 

The fat is then carefully reintroduced into your breasts to accomplish a fuller, more symmetrical appearance. Many patients opt for autologous breast augmentation over breast augmentation with implants for several reasons, including wanting a more natural look and feel. 

The Breast Augmentation Procedure

Prior to your breast augmentation, we will work together to craft your surgical plan. Doing so helps us get everything ready for your procedure and allows us to give you the right information so that you know what to expect.

On the day of your surgery, you’ll receive anesthesia to make the procedure comfortable for you. The exact surgery will depend on whether you choose augmentation with implants, and if so, what type of implants, or enlargement with fat transfer.

After your procedure is complete, we will properly close and dress the surgical area and place you in a supportive garment. Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure, so you’ll have the opportunity to go home the same day to begin your recovery. 

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Recovery from breast augmentation is a personal journey and also depends on the type of procedure you choose. Recovery from fat transfer breast augmentation is different from, for example, a breast lift and augmentation with implants. 

We can give you a better idea of what to expect and specific aftercare instructions based on your procedure. The following are some general tips to help get you through the healing phase and get the best possible outcome. 

Get Your Rest

Rest is crucial after any procedure, breast augmentation included. Getting sleep and resting is especially important on the day of your surgery and the few days following. You must give your body time to heal. It’s helpful to prop yourself up as much as possible and sleep on your back for at least a few weeks after surgery. 

Have Help Available 

After breast augmentation surgery, help is critical. You’ll need to have someone drive you home after your procedure and assist you for a few days after your surgery. You won’t be able to move your arms much for a couple of weeks after surgery, as you’ll have a limited range of motion. Additionally, you should refrain from driving until you can move better and finish your pain medication if you choose to take any. 

Wear Your Surgical Garment

After surgery, you’ll wear a special bra. Surgical bras are important as they provide much-needed support and help keep you comfortable as you heal. It’s essential to wear your surgical bra for at least a few weeks postoperatively. Avoid certain bras, like those with underwire, while you heal, as they could hinder your recovery. 

Avoid Exercise and Strenuous Activities

You’ll be asked to refrain from exercise and heavy lifting for about six weeks after your procedure. This allows your body, especially your chest, time to rest and heal from surgery and your implants to settle in well. 

Give Your Body Time to Adjust

Above all else, give your body the time it needs. It’s not uncommon to worry that something doesn’t look “right” after surgery. For example, implants may appear to be sitting high on the chest initially, which is normal. Patience is key as your body adjusts to its new norm. 

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consultation Today

Fuller breasts and improved curves await. After your consultation with us at Modern Surgical Arts of Denver in Denver, CO, we will ensure that you are well-prepared and confident about your breast augmentation. Each step, from the initial consultation to the final stage of recovery, is designed to ensure that you have the best possible experience and outcomes. Contact us to schedule your breast augmentation consultation today.

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