Preparing for a Facelift: Steps to Take Before the Procedure

While appearing youthful and reclaiming a more toned facial structure are compelling goals for many individuals, undergoing cosmetic procedures like a facelift requires thoughtful preparation to ensure the best possible results and recovery. There are several important steps one should take both physically and logistically in the weeks leading up to a facelift surgery to optimize healing and minimize complications. Here, we will explain what steps to take before a facelift procedure and how we at Modern Surgical Arts of Denver in Denver, CO, can help you. 

What Is a Facelift?

A facelift, medically known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing signs of aging in the face and neck. This cosmetic surgery involves removing excess skin, tightening underlying tissues, and repositioning the skin on the face and neck to create a more youthful appearance. 

The process typically focuses on the lower two-thirds of the face and can address concerns like sagging skin, deep creases around the nose and mouth, jowls, and a double chin. The specific techniques used in a facelift depend on the patient’s facial structure and desired outcomes and may vary from minimally invasive procedures to more extensive surgery. 

What Should You Anticipate for a Facelift?

When anticipating a facelift procedure, you should prepare for both the surgery itself and the recovery process. The procedure typically takes several hours and is performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. During the surgery, the surgeon makes incisions, often along the hairline and around the ears, to access the underlying facial tissues. Excess skin is removed, and tissues are lifted and repositioned to achieve a more youthful contour. 

After the surgery, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which are normal and diminish over time. Pain medication and specific instructions for care will be provided to manage these symptoms. Recovery time varies, but most patients can resume normal activities within two weeks, although complete healing may take several months. 

It’s crucial to follow post-operative care guidelines closely, including keeping your head elevated, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments. These steps are vital for ensuring a smooth recovery and optimal results from the facelift. 

What Steps Should You Take Before Your Facelift?

Preparing for a facelift is a crucial phase that requires careful attention to ensure a successful outcome. Here are some general steps to consider before undergoing the procedure:

Medical Evaluation and Lab Test

We may require a comprehensive medical evaluation and specific lab tests. This might include blood work and other diagnostic tests to ensure you are fit for surgery.

Medication Review

Tell us about all the medications, supplements, and herbal products you are taking. Some of these might need to be adjusted or stopped before surgery, especially if they can increase the risk of bleeding (such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and certain herbal supplements).

Avoid Smoking

Smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of complications. It’s generally advised to quit smoking at least a few weeks before and after the surgery.

Skincare Regimen

We may recommend a specific skincare routine before the surgery. This could involve using certain products that prepare your skin for the procedure and aid in recovery.

Arranging for Assistance

You will need someone to drive you home after the procedure and stay with you for at least the first night. It’s also a good idea to have someone available to help you for a few days post-surgery.

Preparing Your Home

Set up a comfortable recovery area at home. This may include having extra pillows to keep your head elevated, ice packs, and easily accessible essentials.

Fasting Before Surgery

For facelift surgery, you will likely be instructed to fast (not eat or drink) for a specific period before the surgery. The fasting period may begin at midnight the night before your surgery or a few hours before the procedure. This is to ensure that your stomach is empty during the surgery and to reduce the risk of complications during the procedure. 

Follow Pre-Operative Instructions

We will provide specific instructions to follow before the surgery. This could include guidelines about eating, drinking, medication, and skincare.

Mental Preparation

It’s normal to feel anxious or nervous before a surgical procedure. Consider relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. Also, have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery. 

How Can You Get Started With a Facelift?

When considering a facelift, it is important to get started with a consultation to discuss your goals and options. We will work with you to determine the best approach to your facelift procedure, taking into account factors such as your skin elasticity, bone structure, and desired outcome. 

During the consultation, we will also discuss in detail the recovery process, including any potential risks or complications. Our goal is to provide you with a clear understanding of what to expect before, during, and after the procedure so that you can make an informed decision about whether a facelift is right for you. 

Refresh and Revitalize Your Appearance With a Facelift in Denver, CO

At Modern Surgical Arts of Denver in Denver, CO, we offer facelifts to help rejuvenate and refresh your appearance. We will guide you through the facelift procedure, ensuring that you receive the best care possible. We understand that every patient is unique, and we personalize our approach to meet your specific needs. Our goal is to provide you with natural-looking results that enhance your features. 

If you’re interested in a facelift, contact us online or call (303) 470-3400 to schedule a consultation with us. We’re here to help you look and feel your best.

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